Proverbs 31 Women Ministry is a part of the vision given to Pastor Jeffrey Phillips and birthed through First Lady Wilma Phillips. This ministry consists of female ministers, female spouses of ministers, deacons’ wives and women of God from the WSCI congregation whom God spoke to First Lady Wilma Phillips about nurturing and training through Proverbs 31 Women Ministry.
Known also as the “Proverbs 31 Divas,” the ladies meet with “Lady P” on a monthly basis and have the honor and privilege of receiving wisdom, impartation and ministry directly from First Lady Phillips. The focus of this life changing ministry is Godly character and integrity, holiness, sanctification, consecration and dedication – to God, family and ministry.
The Proverbs 31 Divas also know how to have fun! The ladies go on regular fellowship outings together (bowling, restaurants, the movies and shopping, to name a few!) and have travelled to San Destin, Florida and Mississippi for luxurious vacations.
With Lady P, “The Diva of Divas”, leading the way, the ladies of Proverbs 31 prove to be valuable assets to WSCI’s vision and the Body of Christ. A majority, if not all, of the Divas serve in ministry in various Ministries of Helps.
Proverbs 31 Women DIVAs – Divine, Intelligent, Virtuous and Anointed Women of God doing great and might exploits for the Kingdom of God!