Mega-Men Ministry was “seeded” over ten years ago by Pastor Phillips when he spoke over the men of the church at a Men’s Fellowship, declaring that the men of World Shakers Church International would become known as “Mega-Men.” This seed sprang forth and came to maturity in August 2009, growing in the hearts and spirit of the men of WSCI.
Through Mega-Men, the men are taught and mentored to be heads of their families by applying Biblical principles for providing, guiding and protecting them in the fear and admonition of the Lord and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Ministry is available to youth and adult males. Godly character and integrity for males of all ages is emphasized.
These mighty men of valor not only serve in the ministry at WSCI, but they also engage in community service. The Mega-Men have collaborated community cleanup projects, home renovations, lawn maintenance, landscaping and fix-up projects, and other service-oriented activities.
The Mega-Men Ministry congregates on a regular basis for fellowships. Through these fellowships, the participants are prepared for greater levels of ministry as they secure victory in their relationships with God, their families, the church and others during their everyday lives.
The Mission Statement for Mega-Men Ministry is to shake up the world with the Word of God, starting with one man, one family, one community, until we reach the nation and inspire the world for Christ until His return.